Arriving at the Exchange amid frantic speculation on the outcome of the battle, Nathan took up his usual position beside the famous 'Rothschild Pillar.' Without a sign of emotion, without the slightest change of facial expression the stony-faced, flint eyed chief of the House of Rothschild gave a predetermined signal to his agents who were stationed nearby.
Rothschild agents immediately began to dump consuls on the market. As hundred of thousands of dollars worth of consuls poured onto the market their value started to slide. Then they began to plummet.
Nathan continued to lean against 'his' pillar, emotionless, expressionless. He continued to sell, and sell and sell. Consuls kept on falling. Word began to sweep through the Stock Exchange: "Rothschild knows." "Rothschild knows." "Wellington has lost at Waterloo."
The selling turned into a panic as people rushed to unload their 'worthless' consuls or paper money for gold and silver in the hope of retaining at least part of their wealth. Consuls continued their nosedive towards oblivion. After several hours of feverish trading the consul lay in ruins. It was selling for about five cents on the dollar.
Nathan Rothschild, emotionless as ever, still leaned against his pillar. He continued to give subtle signals. But these signals were different. They were so bubtly different that only the highly trained Rothschild agents could detect the change. On the cue from their boss, dozens of Rothschild agents made their way to the order desks around the Exchange and bought every consul in sight for just a 'song'!
A short time later the 'official' news arrived in the British capital. England was now the master of the European scene.
Within seconds the consul skyrocketed to above its original value. As the significance of the British victory began to sink into the public consciousness, the value of consuls rose even higher.
Napoleon had 'met his Waterloo.' Nathan had bought control of the British economy. Overnight, his already vast fortune was multiplied twenty times over.
Owing to Napoleon's seizure of Holland in 1803, the leaders of the anti-Napoleonic league chose Frankfort as a financial center where-from to obtain the sinews of war. After the battle of Jena in 1806 the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel fled to Denmark, where he had already deposited much of his wealth through the agency of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, leaving in the hands of the latter specie and works of art of the value of 600,000 pounds. According to legend, thse were hidden away in wine-casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon's soldiers when they entered Frankfort, were restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector returned to his electorate (see Marbot, "Memoirs," 1891, i. 310-311). The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more business-like. Rothschild, so far from being in danger, was on such good terms with Napoleon's nominee, Prince Dalberg, that he had been made in 1810 a member of the Electoral College of Darmstadt. The elector's money had been sent to Nathan in London, who in 1808 utilized it to purchase 800,000 pounds worth of gold from the East India Company, knowing that it would be needed for Wellington's Peninsular campaign. He made no less than fonr profits on this: (1) on the sale of Wellington's paper, (2) on the sale of the gold to Wellington, (3) on its repurchase, and (4) on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the beginning of the great fortunes of the house,
Following their crushing defeat at Waterloo, the French struggled to get back on their feet financially. In 1817 they negotiated a substantial loan from the prestigious French banking house of Ouvrard and from the well-known bankers Baring Brothers of London. The Rothschilds had been left on the outside looking in.
The following year the French government was in need of another loan. As the bonds issued in 1817 with the help of Ouvrard and Baring Brothers were increasing in value on the Paris market, and in other European financial centers, it appeared certain that the French governmant would retain the services of these two distinguished banking houses.
The Rothschild brothers tried most of the gimmicks in their vast repertoire to influence the French government to give them the business. Their efforts were in vain.
The French aristocrats, who prided themselves on their elegance and superior breeding, viewed the Rothschilds as mere peasants, upstarts who needed to be kept in their place. The fact that the Rothschilds had vast financial resources, lived in the most luxurious homes and were attired in the most elegant and expensive clothes obtainable cut no ice with the highly class conscious French nobility. The Rothschilds were viewed as uncouth -- lacking in social graces. If we are to believe most historical accounts, their appraisal of the first generation Rothschilds was probably valid.
One major piece of armament in the Rothschild arsenal the French had overlooked or ignored -- their unprecedented cunning in the use and manipulation of money.
On November 5, 1818, something very unexpected occurred. After a year of steady appreciation the value of the French government bonds began to fall. With each passing day the decline in their value became more pronounced. Within a short space of time other government securities began to suffer too.
The atmosphere in the court of Louis XVIII was tense. Grim faced aristocrats pondered the fate of the country. They hoped for the best but feared the worst! The only people around the French court who weren't deeply concerned were James and Karl Rothschild. They smiled -- but said nothing!
Slowly a sneaking suspicion began to take shape in the minds of some onlookers. Could those Rothschild brothers be the cause of the nation's economic woes? Could they have secretly manipulated the bond market and engineered the panic?
They had! During October 1818, Rothschild agents, using their masters' limitless reserves, had bought huge quantities of the French government bonds issued through their rivals Ouvrard and Baring Brothers. This caused the bonds to increase in value. Then, on November 5th, they began to dump the bonds in huge quantities on the open market in the main commercial centers of Europe, throwing the market into a panic.
Suddenly the scene in the Aix palace changed. The Rothschilds, who were patiently biding their time and waiting quietly in an ante room, were ushered into the presence of the king. They were now the center of attention. Their clothes were now the height of fashion. "Their money [was] the darling of the best borrowers." The Rothschilds had gained control of France...and control is the name of the game!
Benjamin Disraeli, who was the prime minister of Britain, wrote a novel titled Coningsby. The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, pp. 501, 5O2 describes the book as "an ideal portrait" of the Rothschild Empire. Disraeli characterized Nathan (in conjunction with his four brothers) as "the lord and master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtally lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of southern Italy in pawn, and monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions."
The financial coups performed by the Rothschilds in England in 1815, and in France three years later, are just two of the many they have staged worldwide over the years.
There has, however, been a major change in the tactics used to fleece the public of their hard earned money. From being brazenly open in their use and exploitation of people and nations, the Rothschilds have shrunk from the limelight and now operate through and behind a wide variety of fronts.
Their 'modern' approach is explained by biographer Frederic Morton: "Rothschilds love to glisten. But to the sorrow of the socially ambitious, Rothschilds glisten only in camera, for and among their own kind.
"Their penchant for reticence seems to have grown in recent generations. The founder of the house enjoined it a long time ago; but some of his sons, while storming Europe's innermost bastions of power, wrapped their hands around every weapon, including the rawest publicity. Today the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence. As a result, some believe that little is left apart from a great legend. And the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations.
"Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition" (The Rothschilds. pp. 18, 19).
Throughout their long history the Rothschilds have gone to great lengths to create the impression that they operate within the framework of 'democracy.' This posture is calculated to deceive, to lead people away from the fact that their real aim is the elimination of all competition and the creation of a world-wide monopoly. Hiding behind a multitude of 'fronts' they have done a masterful job of deception.
It would be extraordinarily naive to even consider the possibility that a family as ambitious, as cunning and as monopolistically minded as the Rothschilds could resist the temptation of becoming heavily involved on the American front.
Following their conquest of Europe early in the 1800s, the Rothschilds cast their covetous eyes on the most precious gem of them all -- the United States.
America was unique in modern history. It was only the second nation in history that had ever been formed with the Bible as its law book. Its uniquely magnificent Constitution was specifically designed to limit the power of government and to keep its citizens free and prosperous. Its citizens were basically industrious immigrants who 'yearned to breath free' and who asked nothing more than to be given the opportunity to live and work in such a wonderfully stimulating environment.
The results -- the 'fruit' -- of such a unique experiment were so indescribably brilliant that America became a legend around the globe. Many millions across the far flung continents of the world viewed America the Beautiful as the promised land.
The Big Bankers in Europe -- the Rothschilds and their cohorts -- viewed the wonderful results borne by this unique experiment from an entirely different perspective; they looked upon it as a major threat to their future plans. The establishment Times of London stated: "If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic [i.e. honest Constitutionally authorized no debt money] should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt [to the international bankers]. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
The Rothschilds and their friends sent in their financial termites to destroy America because it was becoming "prosperous beyond precedent."
The first documentable evidence of Rothschild involvement in the financial affairs of the United States came in the late 1820s and early 1830s when the family, through their agent Nicholas Biddle, fought to defeat Andrew Jackson's move to curtail the international bankers. The Rothschilds lost the first round when in 1832, President Jackson vetoed the move to renew the charter of the 'Bank of the United States' (a central bank controlled by the international bankers). In 1836 the bank went out of business.
In the years following Independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton growing aristocracy in the South and the cotton manufacturers in England. The European bankers decided that this business connection was America's Achilles Heel, the door through which the young American Republic could be successfully attacked and overcome.
The Illustrated University History, 1878, p. 504, tells us that the southern states swarmed with British agents. These conspired with local politicians to work against the best interests of the United States. Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President.
The plotters raided armies, seized forts, arsenals, mints and other Union property. Even members of President Buchanan's Cabinet conspired to destroy the Union by damaging the public credit and working to bankrupt the nation. Buchanan claimed to deplore secession but took no steps to check it, even when a U.S. ship was fired upon by South Carolina shore batteries.
Shortly thereafter Abraham Lincoln became President, being inaugurated on March 4, 1861. Lincoln immediately ordered a blockade on Southern ports, to cut off supplies that were pouring in from Europe. The 'official' date for the start of the Civil War is given as April 12, 1861, when Fort Sumter in South Carolina was bombarded by the Confederates, but it obviously began at a much earlier date.
In December, 1861, large numbers of European Troops (British, French and Spanish) poured into Mexico in defiance of the Monroe Doctrine. This, together with widespread European aid to the Confederacy strongly indicated that the Crown was preparing to enter the war. The outlook for the North, and the future of the Union, was bleak indeed.
In this hour of extreme crisis, Lincoln appealed to the Crown's perennial enemy, Russia, for assistance. When the envelope containing Lincoln's urgent appeal was given to Czar Alexander II, he weighed it unopened in his hand and stated: "Before we open this paper or know its contents, we grant any request it may contain."
Unannounced, a Russian fleet under Admiral Liviski, steamed into New York harbor on September 24, 1863, and anchored there, The Russian Pacific fleet, under Admiral Popov, arrived in San Francisco on October 12. Of this Russian act, Gideon Wells said: "They arrived at the high tide of the Confederacy and the low tide of the North, causing England and France to hesitate long enough to turn the tide for the North" (Empire of "The City," p. 90).
History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides in the Civil War. Lincoln put a damper on their activities when, in 1862 and 1863, he refused to pay the exorbitant rates of interest demanded by the Rothschilds and issued constitutionally-authorized, interest free United States notes. For this and other acts of patriotism Lincoln was shot down in cold-blood by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, just five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Booth's grand-daughter, Izola Forrester, states in This One Mad Act that Lincoln's assassin had been in close contact with mysterious Europeans prior to the slaying, and had made at least one trip to Europe. Following the killing, Booth was whisked away to safety by members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. According to the author, Booth lived for many years following his disappearance.
Undaunted by their initial failures to destroy the United States, the international bankers pursued their objective with relentless zeal. Between the end of the Civil War and 1914, their main agents in the United States were Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and the J. P. Morgan Co.
A brief history of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. appeared in Newsweek magazine on February 1, 1936: "Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb were general merchandise merchants in Lafayette, Indiana, in 1850. As usual in newly settled regions, most transactions were on credit. They soon found out that they were bankers... In 1867, they established Kuhn, Loeb and Co., bankers, in New York City, and took in a young German immigrant, Jacob Schiff, as partner. Young Schiff had important financial connections in Europe. After ten years, Jacob Schiff was head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Kuhn having retured. Under Schiff's guidance, the house brought European capital into contact with American industry."
Schiff's "important financial connections in Europe" were the Rothschilds and their German representatives, the M. M. Warburg Company of Hamburg and Amsterdam. Within twenty years the Rothschilds, through their Warburg-Schiff connection, had provided the capital that enabled John D. Rockefeller to greatly expand his Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (Railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (Steel).
At the turn of the 20th century the Rothschilds, not satisfied with the progress being made by their American operntions, sent one of their top experts, Paul Moritz Warburg, over to New York to take direct charge of their assault upon the only true champion of individual liberty and prosperity -- the United States.
At a hearing of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1913, Warburg revealed that he was "a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. I came to this country in 1902, having been born and educated in the banking business in Hamburg, Germany, and studied banking in London and Paris, and have gone all around the world...."
In the late 1800s, people didn't study banking in London and "all around the world" unless they had a special mission to perform!
Early in 1907, Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild-owned boss of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warned that "unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history."
Shortly thereafter, the United States plunged into a monetary crisis that had all the earmarks of a skilly planned Rothschild 'job.' The ensuing panic financially mined tens of thousands of innocent people across the country -- and made billions for the banking elite. The purpose for the 'crisis' was two-fold:
(1) To make a financial 'killing' for the Insiders, and (2) To impress on the American people the 'great need' for a central bank.
Paul Warburg told the Banking and Currency Committee: "In the Panic of 1907, the first suggestion I made was, 'let us have a national clearing house' [Central Bank]. The Aldrich Plan [for a Central Bank] contains many things that are simply fundamental rules of banking. Your aim must be the same...."
Digging deep into their bag of deceitful practices, the international bankers pulled off their greatest coup to date -- the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve System, which placed control of the finances of the United States securely in the hands of the power-crazed money monopolists. Paul Warburg became the 'Fed's' first chairman!
Congressman Charles Lindbergh put his finger firmly on the truth when he stated, just after the 'Federal' Reserve Act was passed by a depleted Congress on December 23, 1913: "The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Wilson] signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetaary power will be legalized....The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."
Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the middle of the last century, the international bankers worked feverishly to extend their sphere of influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for their final assault on the United States -- a nation which, through its unique Constitution, remained free.
In the decades that followed it became apparent that, in order to achieve their goal of world domination, they would have to instigate a series of world wars which would result in leveling of the old world in preparation for the construction of the New World Order. This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the top Illuminist in America. In a letter to Guisseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. Pike stated that the first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia -- and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. Russia was then to be used as a 'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide.
World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German Nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine.
The Third World War was planned to result form the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide. The llluminati, said the letter, planned to "unleash the Nihilists and Atheists" and "provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass [directionl, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquored and exterminated at the same time."
At the time Pike wrote this remarkable leaflet there were five different ideologies extant on the world scene and involved in a "struggle for space and power." These were:
1. The secret ideology of the international bankers or the Illuminati as laid out in Fourth Reich Of The Rich. Their aim was the creation of a One World Government to be ruled over by the "Illuminated ones" at the top.
2. The Russian "Pan-Slavic" ideology which was originally conceived by William the Great and expounded in his will. According to A.H. Granger, the author of England World Empire, 1916, p. 173, this ideology called for the elimination of Austria and Germany, then the conquest of India and Persia and ends with the words: "...which will ensure the subjugation of Europe."
3. The ideology of "Asia for the Asiatics" as expounded by the Japanese. This called for a confederation of Asian nations dominated by Japan.
4. The ideology of Pan Germanism which called for German political control over the European continent, freedom from the Crown's restrictions on the high seas and the adoption of an "open door" policy in trade and commerce with the rest of the world.
5. Pan-American or the ideology of "America for the Americans." This called for "trade and friendship with all, alliances with none." Secretary of State Root stated in 1906 that, under this ideology which was given expression in the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, we are "debarred from sharing in the political aims, interests, or responsibilities of Europe, just as by the equally potential doctrine, now nearly a century old, the European powers are excluded from sharing or interfering in the political concerns of the sovereign states of the Western Hemisphere."
If the plans of the international banker/llluminati cabal were to be brought to fruition, Russia, Germany, Japan and the United States would have to be brought to their knees in unconditional surrender, poverty and ignominy.
The llluminati plan for world conquest, referred to by Albert Pike, was a diabolical masterpiece of Luciferian ingenuity that would take the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings and cost hundred of billions of dollars in its accomplishment.
The plan that the Illuminati devised to accomplish their world conquering goal is as simple as it is effective. Along the way towards the accomplishment of their final objective this plan has been adapted by the international bankers and their comrades in arms around the globe to amass vast fortunes in real estate. As we shall see. the implimentation of the plan has been so smoothly executed that it has frequently won applause from the ranks of those it is destroying. Their plan can be called Urban Renewal.
It has been said that there are three types of people:
1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen, and 3. Those who wonder what happened.
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